How to Obtain Your SCE Annual Energy Usage

Send Aikyum Solar Your Annual SCE Energy Usage
We’ll Respond With a Complimentary Solar Proposal

In order for us to put together a thorough and accurate solar package proposal for you, we need two things:


  1. Your monthly energy usage for the past 12 months (in kWh)
  2. Your monthly cost for the past 12 months

Obtaining this information is quick and easy. Below we will walk you through the steps required to do so.

Step 1: Login to your Southern California Edison Account online.

Step 2: Click on “My Account”, and select the “Usage” tab. You should see a page that resembles the following:

Step 3: You can see your energy usage (in kWh) for each month simply by moving your cursor over the blue graph for each respective month.

Step 4: For each of the previous 12 months: Simply write down the month and your kWh usage for that month.

Step 5: Next, click on “Billing and Payments,” as shown below:

Step 6: Scroll down to Bill & Payment history and view the history for the previous 12 months. Simply screenshot this page. The page should resemble the one below:

Step 7: Finally, email [email protected] with your name and the payment screenshot as well as your monthly kWh usage for the past 12 months. Aikyum Solar will get back to you shortly with your solar proposal.

If you are unable to complete the steps above, simply send us a picture of the first page of your most recent SCE bill.

